Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Bangalore and pan India presence with over 3500 branches, invites ON-LINE APPLICATIONS, from candidates who are qualified and holding a valid Common Written Examination-PO/MT-2011-12 score card issued by IBPS, for recruitment to the post of Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade Scale-I.
Eligible candidates, who are having valid IBPS CWE-PO/MT-2011-12 Score Card are requested to apply ON-LINE through Bank’s website No other means / mode of Application will be accepted.
Please read this advertisement carefully and ensure your eligibility before paying fees / submitting on-line application.
Important Dates | |||
Event | Date | ||
Payment of Application Fee / Intimation Charges | From 30.01.2012 to 15.02.2012 [both days inclusive] |
Opening Date for on-line registration in Website | 30.01.2012 | ||
Closing Date for on-line registration in Website | 15.02.2012 | Â | Â |
Post [Scale] | Age [Years] Min – Max | No. of Posts for | |||||||
SC | ST | OBC | UR | Total | of which PWD | ||||
VC | HI | OC | |||||||
Probationary Officers [JMGS–I] | 21 – 30* | 303 | 152 | 545 | 1000 | 2000 | 28 | 28 | 25 |
All the eligibility [qualification, age etc] shall be computed as on 01.07.2011 (inclusive).
Post Code-1: Probationary Officers [JMGS-I]:
a) Qualification:
–  Graduation with 60% marks [SC/ST/PWD candidates – Graduation with 55% marks].
– Â Should have valid IBPS Score Card obtained in Common Written Examination [CWE] for Probationary Officers [POs] / Management Trainees [MTs] 2011-12 with the following scores;
IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12 – Individual Subjects | ||
Particulars | IBPS Score cut-off for category | |
Unreserved | SC/ST/OBC/PWD | |
Test of Reasoning [TR] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
Test of English Language [EN] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
Test of Quantitative Aptitude [QA] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
Test of General Awareness [GA] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
Test of Computer Knowledge [CK] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
Descriptive Paper on English [DP] | 24 & above | 21 & above |
IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12 – Total Weighted Standard Score | |
Candidates belonging to Category | IBPS TWS Score |
Unreserved [UR] | 156 & above |
Other Backward Class [OBC] | 146 & above |
Scheduled Caste [SC] | 146 & above |
Scheduled Tribe [ST] | 136 & above |
Persons With Disabilities [VC/HI/OC] | 106 & above |
Candidate should indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated to the nearest two decimals in the online application. Where CGPA / OGPA is awarded, the same should be converted in to percentage and indicate the same in online application, besides indicating the CGPA / OGPA in the on-line application.
NOTE: All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a recognized University / Institution and the result should have been declared on or before 01.07.2011.
The percentage marks in Graduation shall be arrived at by dividing the marks obtained by the candidates in all the subjects in all semesters / years, by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects irrespective of honours / optional / additional optional subjects, if any. This will be applicable for those universities also where class / grade is decided on the basis of honours marks only. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.
COMPUTER LITERACY: Operating & working knowledge in computer systems shall be an essential qualification, which a candidate must either possess or acquire within 6 months from the date of joining the Bank.
HINDI KNOWLEDGE: The candidates shall acquire working knowledge of Hindi, if not possessed already, before completion of probationary period.
b) Job Profile:
General Banking, House keeping, Supervisory functions etc and any other work assigned by the Bank from time to time.
3. Salary
& Emoluments:
& Emoluments:
Scale | Salary & Emoluments |
JMGS-I | ![]() |
Dearness Allowance, HRA, CCA, Medical Aid, Hospitalization expenses, Leave Fare Concession etc. and Perquisites like Conveyance, Quarters, Furniture etc., depending on the place of posting shall be available as per rules.
A candidate must be either i] a citizen of India or ii] a subject of Nepal or iii] a subject of Bhutan or iv] a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01.01.1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or v] a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia & Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. A Candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Group Discussion / interview conducted by the Bank, but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate issued by the Government of India, is produced.
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates – by 5 years;
Other Backward Classes candidates – by 3 years;
Persons with Disabilities – by 10 years;
All persons who are ordinarily domiciled in Kashmir Division of J&K State during 01.01.80 to 31.12.89 – by 5 years;
Persons (Children / Family members of those) affected by 1984 riots – by 5 years.
Ex-servicemen, Commissioned Officers including those ECOs / SSCOs who have rendered at least 5 years Military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year i.e on or before 31.12.2012) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to Military service or on invalidment – by 5 years
The relaxation in upper age limit to SC/ST/OBC candidates is allowed on cumulative basis with only one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above in Point No. 6 (iii) to 6 (vi)
Persons eligible for age relaxation under 6 (iv) above must produce the domicile certificate at the time of interview from the District Jurisdiction where he / she had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this regard by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that the candidate had ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period from 01.01.80 to 31.12.89.
Persons eligible for age relaxation under 6 (v) above must produce a certificate from the District Magistrate to the effect that they are eligible for relief in terms of the Rehabilitation Package for 1984 Riot Affected Persons sanctioned by the Government and communicated vide Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Financial Services communication No.F.No.9/21/2006-IR dated 27.07.2007.
An Ex-servicemen who has once joined in a Govt. job on the civil side after availing the benefits given to him as an Ex-servicemen for his re-employment, his Ex-servicemen status for the purpose of re-employment in Government ceases.
There is no reservation for Ex-servicemen in the Officer Cadre.
Category | Amount of Fees / Intimation Charges [Non-Refundable] |
SC/ST/PWD | ![]() |
All Others | ![]() |
Kindly ensure the eligibility for the post, before paying the application fees / intimation charges as the same is not refundable.
The application fee / intimation charges can be paid by;
Directly remitting the amount in any of the Canara Bank Branches OR
Paying the amount through NEFT in any other Bank.
The procedure for payment of fee is mentioned below;
 1] Directly remitting the amount in any of the Canara Bank Branches:
Take print-out of the Payment Challan from website [Click here to download Payment Challan]
Fill the particulars viz, IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12 Registration Number, Name, Date of Birth, Contact Phone No., Category, Amount deposited, Depositing Branch Name & City
Submit the Fee Payment Challan & amount in any Canara Bank Branch.
Collect the candidate’s copy of Fee Payment Challan from the Branch. Please verify that challan is properly signed & the details of Transaction Sequence No., Branch Name & DP Code Number, Deposit Date are noted in the challan by the Branch Authorities.
Log on to bank website for applying on-line.
 2] Paying the amount through NEFT in any other Bank [If the candidate opts for payment through other Banks]:
Fill the NEFT challan as required by the bank with Beneficiary details as under;
-  Name of the Account: Canara Bank Recruitment Project – 1/2012
-Â Â Account Number : 1173201002243
-Â Â Payee Bank : Canara Bank, South End Road Branch, Bangalore
-Â Â IFSC Code : CNRB0001173
Make payment
Collect NEFT Payment Receipt. Please check that receipt is properly signed & the details of NEFT UTR No., IFSC Code of the Sending Branch, Name of the Sending Bank, City, Deposit Date, Amount etc are noted in the challan by the Branch Authorities. Kindly write IBPS CWE—PO/MT 2011-12 Registration Number, Name, Date of Birth, Category on the back of the NEFT Receipt.
Log on to bank website for applying on-line.
After on-line registration, candidates are requested to write their Registration Number on the back of the Payment Challan / NEFT Receipt.
The application fee / intimation charges should be paid between 30.01.2012 and 15.02.2012 (both dates inclusive)
Even if the last date of registration changes due to technical reasons, the valid dates for payment of application fee / intimation charges will not be changed.
Payment of fee by Demand Draft / Cheque / Money Orders / Postal Orders etc will not be accepted and such applications will be summarily rejected.
The selection for the post of Probationary Officers is on the basis of Score obtained in stipulated CWE for PO/MTs + Group Discussion + Interview.
The GD and Interview will be held at major centres across the country.
Depending upon the number of vacancies, Bank reserves the right to shortlist requisite number of candidates based on the CWE score, academics of the candidates, as decided by the Bank and only those shortlisted candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Interview. The centre & address of the venue, time & date for Group Discussion and Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter and candidates have to attend for the same at their own cost. The details of shortlisted candidates for Group Discussion and Interview will be hosted in our website. Request for change of Centre will not be entertained. However, the Bank reserves its right to change/add/cancel the date, time, centre, venue of the Group Discussion and / or Interview and to call the candidates for the Group Discussion and / or Interview at any other Centre or hold supplementary selection process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any.
The total marks allotted for Group Discussion are 100 and for Interview are 100. Candidates have to secure minimum marks as decided by the Bank at each level of selection process and only those candidates will be considered for preparation of final rank lists.
The final rank lists shall be prepared on the basis of TWS scores obtained by the candidates in the stipulated CWE for PO/MT + Group Discussion + Interview, with the following weightage;
Total Weighted Standard Score (CWE) |
Group Discussion |
Interview | Total |
50% | 20% | 30% | 100% |
The final selection for the post of Probationary Officer is on the basis of rank lists drawn based on the Total Marks calculated as above (out of 100 marks).
Mere eligibility / admission to the GD / Interview / pass in GD / Interview does not imply that the Bank is satisfied beyond doubt about the candidates’ eligibility and shall not vest any right in a candidate for selection. The Bank would be free to reject the candidature of any candidate at any stage of the recruitment process, if he / she is found to be ineligible and / or furnished incorrect or false information / certificates / documents or has suppressed any material facts and the fees paid by the ineligible candidates shall be forfeited. If appointed, such a candidate may be summarily removed from the services of the Bank.
The Bank reserves the right to change the selection procedure / hold supplementary selection process, if necessary. The change, if any, shall be intimated to the candidates through our website / email in advance.
While appearing for the GD and Interview, the candidate should produce photo identity such as PAN Card / Passport / Driving Licence / Voters Card / Bank Pass Book with Photograph / Photo embossed Credit Card for verification. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, the candidate will not be allowed for GD and Interview.
The selected candidates will be on probation for a period of two years (24 months of active service) from the date of joining, as per the rules of the Bank.
The selected candidates for the post of Probationary Officers have to deposit a sum of
25,000/- at the time of joining as Security Deposit. Candidates have to serve for a minimum period of 2 years. If the candidate after appointment leaves the Bank for any reason before 2 years, the security deposit will be forfeited.

Candidates are requested to read the contents of the advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.
The eligible candidates are required to apply ON-LINE through bank’s website The guidelines for filling on-line application are as follows;
Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail id (the same email id registered with IBPS CWE-PO/MT 2011-12). This e-mail id should be kept functional till completion of this recruitment project. All the communication will be sent to the candidates on this e-mail id only.
Candidates should have remitted the requisite fee in any branch of Canara Bank OR Candidates should have remitted the requisite fee in any other Bank through NEFT and should have details of payment made.
Please note that without valid payment details, on-line registration of application will be summarily rejected. For details of payment, check Point No.7.
Candidates are required to visit the Bank’s website à Careers à Recruitment page and click on the link “Recruitment Project – 1/ 2012 – Probationary Officers†and apply for the post. Alternatively, candidates can click the link “Recruitment†scrolling in the “Announcement†column.
The link for registration of application will be open on our website on the dates indicated at the top of this advertisement.
After filling in all the required particulars, candidates shall submit the application on-line.
Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application. Submission of incorrect / false information in the online application will render the candidature invalid.
Retain a copy of the final on-line application print out along with Registration Number & Password safely for your records.
The name of the candidate or his / her father / husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates / mark sheets. Any change / alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
Candidates need not send Application Print / Documents at this stage.
If shortlisted for Group Discussion and Interview, at the time of Group Discussion / Interview, candidates have to submit the following documents / certificates;
Print-out of On-line application submitted to the Bank with Photo & Signature affixed at appropriate place
Copy of On-line application submitted to IBPS
Payment Challan / NEFT Receipt, Print-out of GD and Interview Call Letter
IBPS Score Card
Proof of Date of Birth along with proof of certificate for age relaxation, if any
Certificates and Marklists from SSC / SSLC / X std, 10+2 / PUC / Intermediate, Graduation, Post Graduation (if any) etc
Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC category candidates & Medical Certificate in case of PWD candidates
Any other relevant documents
 For More informations click here