HomeCurrent Affairs2 August 2013 Current Affairs

2 August 2013 Current Affairs

Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Syrian Civil War:
    • An ammunition depot explodes in Homs, Syria, killing at least 40 people and critically injuring many more. (Sentinel Source)
Disasters and accidents
  • The United States Food and Drug Administration names the American salad making company Taylor Farms of as the source of parasite tainted salads that sickened 223 diners in the US states of Nebraska and Iowa. (NBC News)
International relations
  • The United States Department of State announces a worldwide travel alert for U.S. citizens and some embassies throughout Southwest Asiaand North Africa will be closed following an al-Qaeda threat. (CNN) (AP via Washington Post)
  • The UK Foreign Office has warned its embassy staff in Southwest Asia to be vigilant as Eid al-Fitr approaches. British embassies will remain open. (WSJ)
Politics and elections
  • The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission says that Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party has won 142 seats of 210 seats in the general election. (BBC)
  • Samantha Power is sworn in as the new United States Ambassador to the United Nations by Vice President Joe Biden. (Wall Street Journal)
  • There will be a run-off election on August 11 in the Malian presidential election between Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and Soumaïla Cissé as no candidate could achieve a majority in the election held earlier this week. (Reuters)


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